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POKEFI is a pocket WiFi hotspot device
that helps you stay connected on the go.

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Buy POKEFI with US$10 off

and free shipping worldwide

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Limited quantity until stock lasts

POKEFI mobile WiFi hotspot device

Enjoy FLAT RATE in 170+ Countries
The Americas

*Argentina, *Antigua and Barbuda, *Barbados, *Bolivia, *Brazil, *British Virgin Islands, Canada, *Cayman Islands, *Chile, *Columbia, *Costa Rica, *Dominica, *Dominican Republic, *Ecuador, *El Salvador, *French Guiana, *French West Indies, *Grenada, *Guadeloupe, Guatemala, *Honduras, *Jamaica, *Martinique, *Mexico, *Nicaragua, *Panama, *Paraguay, *Peru, *Puerto Rico, *Saint Kitts and Nevis, *Saint Lucia, *Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, *Trinidad and Tobago, *Turks and Caicos Islands, United States (include Hawaii, exclude Alaska, Guam, Saipan), *Uruguay, *Venezuela


Albania, *Andorra, Austria, *Belarus, *Belgium, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Canary Islands, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Guernsey Islands, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, *Isle of Man, Italy, *Jersey Islands, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg,  Malta, *Moldova, Monaco, *Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, *Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Russia, San Marino, *Serbia , Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, *Ukraine, United Kingdom, Vatican City

Digital World Map

*Afghanistan, *Armenia, *Azerbaijan, *Bangladesh, *Bhutan, *Brunei, Cambodia, China Mainland (standard is no VPN services**, option to purchase China VPN package), *Georgia, Hong Kong, *India, *Indonesia, Japan, *Kazakhstan, *Kyrgyzstan, *Laos, Macao, Malaysia, *Maldives, *Mongolia, *Nepal, *Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, *Sri Lanka, Taiwan, *Tajikistan, Thailand, *Uzbekistan, Vietnam

Middle East

*Bahrain, *Egypt, *Iraq, *Israel, *Jordan, *Kuwait, *Oman, *Qatar, *Saudi Arabia, Turkey, *UAE


*Algeria, *Benin, *Botswana, *Burkina Faso, *Cape Verde, *Chad, *Cote d'Ivoire, *Cameroon, *Congo, *Central Africa, *DR Congo, *Gabon, *Ghana, *Guinea-Bissau, *Kenya, *Liberia, *Madagascar, *Malawi, *Mali, *Mayotte, *Mauritius, *Morocco, *Mozambique, *Niger, *Nigeria, *Reunion, *Senegal, *Seychelles, *Sierra Leone,*South Africa, *Swaziland, *Tanzania, *Togo, *Tunisia, *Uganda


Australia, *Fiji, *French Polynesia, *Nauru, New Zealand, *Papua New Guinea, *Samoa, *Tonga, *Vanuatu

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